Spiritual Healing
What is it?
Throughout my life I have been involved in many aspects of the spiritual world and that of spiritual healing.
There is now scientific evidence that suggests that the power of energy in the form of healing and that of mental wellbeing. Scientists have studied have noticed that there is measurable evidence that is does work, and in some cases, it is long lasting.
The Japanese and the Buddhists have long believed in the power of thought and the power of healing. It has been studied and used for thousands of years.
Today the western Reiki practitioners have worked with the healing energies to great effect.
When the physical energies rise and fall, we feel at ease in the world that we live in. When our energies fall and keep on falling our bodies go into a state of dis-ease, not disease which is the medical term.
With dis-ease our soul, our spiritual self-starts to lose its life Energies. When I person is guided to a Reiki healer the connection can start to be made between the Client and the Reiki practitioner.
How I engage with the Client prior to carrying out any form of Energy work there us always a set of protocols to talk through together with the client. These are safe guiding process which serves many elements of the work I do.
Once the Client has an understanding about the connections with Energy Healing most people do understand the calming effect of Energy Healing on the mind and the body.
The star of the Healing process is to allow the Client to have time to relax their minds and concentrate on their breathing. What is meant by this is the Client focuses on his or her breathing. The in and out breaths, by noticing the rhythmic flow of life-giving energy going in and out of the body the patient can start to feel the beginnings of Meditation.
The process continues throughout the Healing session and what happens is the body starts to become calm and relaxed. The nervous system relaxes along with the mind and in turn the energy levels slowly start to re-energies themselves.
This will all take place in a warm calm place that the practitioner has previously prepared. The Client will now feel comfortable and relaxed. By this stage, the Client will have been asked if they would preferer the treatment to be carried out on the therapy bed or in a chair.
The Practitioner will now start the Energy Healing process. It will be carried out either with a light touch on the outside of the body or with a what is known as the hands off position, each of which are just as effective.
The practitioner will work with the Energies of Spirit and move around the client’s body. The treatment will last anything from 45 mins up to an hour. On Completion of the treatment the practitioner will lightly touch you on the shoulder to indicate to you that the treatment is complete.
The practitioner will ensure that you are ok in yourself and safe to leave the practice.